Here’s why I went into studying the way we create our own reality.
I tried to grow a marketing agency business, and because of my lucky integrity side I connected my success with my clients’ success.
Due to various reasons at various times I started noticing that whatever my actions were – the results were not being produced – it’s like they were out of my control.
With that experience and my long journey of understanding consciousness and reality creation – I was able to identify my beliefs that were in the way and also that I was not able to assist others in any kind of financial way when their own beliefs were still in the way.
Hence my current work of inside out creation.
The funny part is that after I started looking for this inside-out stuff, the priority on money dissolved and now abundance shows up in all sorts of ways and places – and the key part is that I get to ONLY do what I enjoy doing, even if it’s nothing at all “productive” – which ends up being the most productive thing I could do at the time anyway!
That’s my intention for you – to help you see that ALL that happens in your life is simply an opportunity to help examine your views of the world and your Self that’s creating your current reality, and then consciously creating a reality you do prefer to experience.
Shifting your current game of chase for achievement into a fun game of exploration and creation.
– Dmitri “Join the Game of Creation” Sennikov