Growing up as little babies we needed our parents and guardians to survive.
We needed them to like us so they feed us. With food, with attention, with love.
We became really good at sensing what they wanted from us even if they didn’t consciously understand what the heck it was themselves.
So we became the thing our parents wanted us to be rather than who we were born to be.
Or possibly the absolute opposite in a desperate act of rebellion.
Thing is… as you can imagine being where you are right now, there’s barely enough love inside for ourselves, let alone to be shared with another.
So no matter how much we tried to fit in, be loved, we were attempting to draw water from a dried up well. With none of the fault on anybody’s side, it just how life has been for many of us.
We got stuck in this cycle of trying to be somebody so we get some love and attention, never getting it anyway, getting frustrated even more being confused “what the heck do you want me to be so you love me, damn it?!”
Many of us are continuing to run these programs into adulthood.
A way out is to see these programs for what they are, what we’ve been attempting to do all this time thinking we’ve been looking for success and achievement, and tapping into a well that actually does have life-giving water.
This is what we do inside Inner Game Mastery starting with the High Achiever Recode course.
Drink up my friend!
– Dmitri “Inner Water Well Guide” Sennikov