The tiny little hinge I see that swings huge doors for people is really understanding resistance.
It is resistance to what is happening and what energy is coming up in your body that is creating the most pain and suffering for people around the world.
The kind design of Life is that it is actually gifting you wonderful, friendly, at times painful circumstance to bubble up the energy that got stuck inside in childhood, when you were 2, 3, 5 years old so that you can become aware of it again, process it, feel it and let it move on so you don’t ever need to experience it again.
Yet nobody has taught us these things and so we resist.
We resist the friendly circumstance that is here to bring up energy (emotion) inside.
We resist the energy (emotion) that does come up as a result.
The metaphor I use is that of a champagne bottle. Once you shake the bottle, it’ll take an immense amount of energy to resist and keep the cork in place than to simply step aside and let it do its thing.
Outside of resistance, there’s just something happening in the world and there’re some sensations that come with it on the inside once all of your previous programming and definitions have been addressed of course.
This is the work we do inside Peaceful Performance Membership.
– Dmitri “Dissolving Resistance” Sennikov