There’s always a reason for the way you feel, the way you think and the way you behave.
It is in the uncovering of that reason that the Golden Grail reveals itself and change becomes possible.
It has nothing to do with the situation you find yourself in but in the relationship you have to this situation.
Or in other words it’s ALL about the way things are occurring for you right now.
When you find a different way, a more empowering way to see the situation you’re in is when your emotions change, the way you think shifts, and your behaviour and actions transform.
Your ability to see things differently is the greatest gift you could ever ask for.
Sometimes getting a different view or perspective on your situation is all you need to snap out of it.
Many have been trained and conditioned into attempting to change/fix/and improve the situation instead.
When the best service you could provide for yourself is at any time you feel out of sorts is asking yourself this one question “What would I have to believe is true about myself or the world that would make me feel this way right now?”
Seeing the honest answer to this question is getting 80% through the situation.
- Dmitri “Shifting Perspectives” Sennikov
PS. That’s what excites me the most in helping you explore your current world views of self and the world, and is exactly the work we’re doing in Powerful Creator Experience. This could be your express ticket into a completely new world where old versions dissolve the new becomes possible.