When you look at the range of all kinds of ways that we can respond to what is happening in and around our lives, the two ends would be the Suppressive and the Reactive.
Suppressive energy is the one that doesn’t want to stir the pot. Feels like it can’t have what it wants. Keeps the conflict at bay like a little fire extinguisher.
Reactive is the exact opposite. Explosive. Controlling. Needing things to go their way. And like a little child who didn’t get their toy at the toy store waling about how things didn’t go according to plan.
You may have both in different situations and one is not better than the other.
But here’s an idea…
What if the middle point wasn’t just called “balance” but instead we called it Creative energy.
This is the place I love to hang out and I would love to help get you there as well.
What can I create, and in a way what would I want to create given the scenario and limitation I get to deal with?
-Dmitri “Creative First Responder” Sennikov