Happy 4/4/2024! We got a bunch of wet slushy snow overnight so it feels more like a January up here in Toronto.
Today I want to share with you the 3 simple steps to help address any complexity your mind may be creating about what it involves to create change.
Step 1. Identify the beliefs holding your reality together
Step 2. Allow old beliefs to move on through emotional processing
Step 3. Allow your physical reality to shift (it may appear to be worse before it gets better)
This is a simple, direct process to create any change really.
But the game has been rigged against you. Each step is like a deep cave under muddy dangerous water filled with imaginary alligators, piranha and stinging jelly fish.
Your mind will keep you away from even allowing you to see the beliefs that are creating your reality right now because it knows it’ll lead to abrupt changes in your reality (step 3).
It doesn’t want that.
Because that quick change will lead to all kinds of emotions coming up in your physical body (step 2) that right now have been filed under “top secret most dangerous threat” to keep you safe and away from.
So the process in going through the 3 steps of creating change requires dismantling of the protective walls that your mind has created from each of the steps.
It is a wonderful journey though if you’re able to distance yourself from it just a little, similar to watching a character in the movie going through a tough time.
I’m here for ALL of it. For you… and for me! And the cool part is that it’s all happening on its own, you don’t even need to do a thing but grab some popcorn.
– Dmitri “Your Life in 3 steps” Sennikov
PS. This process of getting good at processing emotion, and learning to flow and accept whatever happens in your life as a positive thing without resistance or worry IS the pre-requisite work to allow your mind to see your current beliefs creating your reality. This is really what we do in PCX.