Oh Hi There! 👋
It’s Dmitri here writing to you from the wonderful Toronto, Canada 🇨🇦
Your journey may be somewhat familiar to mine.
I was driven by success, and money and things and achievements… and the more I worked, the more successful I became, the more expensive the toys and vacations I thought would make me happy.
Majority of my life I’ve “looked” happy. I had a job people thought I loved. I had relationships. Great connection with friends and family.
Yet what wasn’t seen on the outside is that I was depressed, I didn’t want to do anything or see anybody, I hated myself and my life.
It was not a visible depression but what I call a covert depression. A functional depression that sometimes makes it even worse because there is nobody that you can connect with because they see you so successful and they just make you feel wrong for the crap you’re actually feeling. So I just kept it all inside.
At some point I realized that my happiness was not at all connected with my work, projects, my relationships, the places I lived, or the stuff I had. It was all related with the way my body and mind worked.
And if I could figure that part out, I’ll be out of it!
I became a personal development seminar junkie, read thousands of books on mindset and habits and performance. And I still had this belief in my mind that “If only I could finish this next book, or if I could only finish this next program, or if I could only implement this morning routine, that will lead me to happiness.”
So I kept buying and buying promises. Some things worked, a little, and many have not.
After more than a decade I still felt like crap, though again on the outside I looked like I’m this great next Tony Robbins and that I have it all figured out.
I didn’t…
Until not long ago.
Some puzzle pieces began to connect.
I started to feel much better. I began to experience what you call a sensation of an undisturbed inner peace, no matter what was happening on the outside.
I got to a point of absolute relief of internal suffering, and I couldn’t be more excited to share it with the world.
So I quit my lucrative corporate engineering consulting gig working on wonderful products and with amazing teams of designers, product specialists and software engineers, and I began to test if I could indeed share what I have now been able to learn and embody in my own life with others and help them achieve similar results.
And it started to work.
Coaching clients I’ve been working with began to see similar shifts. They started to feel less stress. More calm. They started to feel excitement about life again. They started to completely transform the way they saw their relationships at home, with their children and the way they spoke with their coworkers.
I knew this needs to get out to more people.
So here we are.
I’ve created Flow Habit Academy with the sole purpose to help people end their suffering. Both at work and at home.
When suffering ends and our thoughts no longer bother us is when we are free to become and show up in the world as our complete and authentic selves.
When we show up as our authentic selves is when all of the puzzle pieces begin to connect for you too! Happiness with work, with relationships, new people begin to show up in your life, opportunities start to knock on your doors, and life begins to just work for you.
The main part is that you simply get to finally feel good about yourself, about your life and have an understanding of how all of this mind and body system works.
I invite you to start on a similar journey, much quicker though than it took me to collect all of this data and research, so I can bring it to you in a way that works. In a way that can be applied as early as this evening. To all that is happening in your life.
Here’re some next steps to help you learn more about what I mean by Elevating Your Consciousness
1. Start your journey by listening to some of the Flow Habit Podcast episodes that may peak your attention at this time
My favourite thing to do is watch people’s lives transform when you simply start to become aware of, understand and then explore your thinking. It’s not something you have to control or run away from, and with time this process becomes even exciting!
2. Try our Success Blockers Quiz
This is the framework of everything I share here at Flow Habit Academy. Find out where you stand on the scale and what is possible for you to feel less stress, align with your purpose and be more in the moment.
Follow this quick 8-question self-assessment to get your score immediately without waiting and explore what’s the most important next step to address in your particular situation.
3. Join the next Flow Habit Academy group and become a Case Study
If you feel like you’re constantly burning out (mentally) and you know something has got to change…
Or you feel like you’ve lost that spark you used to have about life, and would love to rekindle your love for work and love life while feeling less stress and more connection with people… you’ll be surprised to see what can happen 🙂
In the group, we get to work with you one on one to address your stressful thinking and your inner world. From there you’ll get to discover the source of your current struggles, begin to see real shifts around you, and get to feel way more freedom, more focus, and inner peace about how your life is unfolding… and even excitement about your future!
I’m helping others create amazing shifts from all kinds of life situations… and I’d love to work with you, too.
4. Work with me 1-on-1
If you’re the kind of a person who goes all in and know that you are ready for some major shifts and upgrades in your life… tell me a little about your situation and what you’d like to work on together, by filling out this application and I’ll get you all the details!